This order came along with order for Fajar B'day Cupcakes. Flavor also chocolate cupcake.
Devina's B'day Cupcake...
Labels: CupcakeB'day Cupcakes for Fajar!!!
Birthday cupcake ordered for boy who loves photography so much. Challenge myself to create figurine that similar to the boy's picture while he's photographing something.
Quite satisfied with the result even though the weather is not friendly.
Flavor: Chocolate
13/01/11 Year-End celebration
Labels: Cookies
Got this order from Dian for her end year dinner celebration. What's Well, it's blog-based website combining both music and style in one simple perfect mixed. Established since February 2010, and considered as the fast-grow website compared to the others, basically is a bible A-Z music.
They got all these cool 10 minutes podcast. So, if you're interested/curious, just log on to their website, ok... :)
Welcoming 2011!!!
2nd round order from Henny. Vanilla & Chocolate cupcake, covered and decorated with edible fondant figurine. It's all about New Year, baby.. :)
So, welcome 2011...Hope it will brings us all lots of luck, love and happiness...
Santa knows when you're nice...
Got this order from Aleta. 10 packages of anything yummy. Her daughter, Neferti, is going to become Lil' Ms. Santa. She knows which children naughty or nice, so for the nicest one, Ms. Neferti Claus going to give a bag full of yummy-yummy stuff, lol.
Chewy chocolate chip cookies along with vanilla sugar cookies decorated with fondant & sprinkles.
Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus

Christmas Cookies is in da house....

X'mas 2010 Cupcake Set
Always love last minute order, hahaha. Got this order from my (most) loyal customer, Henny Dwi. Some of them accompany by X'mas cookies (will be posted after this)...
Flavors are chocolate & vanilla and yes, all covered with edible sugar decoration. So need to worry. The only thing that will left will be the cup (not edible definitely).... :D